Thursday, February 27, 2014

Rhetorical Appeal: Same Love (pathos)

During the performance of "Same Love" pathos pours from every lyric like an overflowing cup of emotion from which every member of the audience graciously sips. The overall moral of the song, being equality of gay couples in America, in its own right contains enough pathos to fill an entire post, let alone the pathos enriched lyrics to entice the listener. The message this song conveys appeals to the emotional connection that the audience would have in regards to the problems faced by same sex couples. More specifically artist Macklemore states "if i was gay i would think hip hop hates me, have you read the youtube comments lately?", this is a reference to the fact that society uses the term "gay" as "synonymous with the lesser" and that "[we've] become so numb to what we're saying." These lyrics evoke the emotions of remorse for the actions of society and the idea that we need to change the way we act towards others.


  1. This post really tackles the exact pathos used in the song and how it appeals to not just same sex couples and their rights but also how our society uses the term "gay" in a bad way and how this needs to change. I really liked your simile in the beginning of your post to explain just how much pathos was in the song and how every single lyric strikes a new emotion in the listener. Really good job!

  2. I really like how you pointed out that the whole song qualifies as pathos. I also really like the line you chose because it evokes emotion from people because it relates to almost everyone as most people go on youtube.
