Monday, March 3, 2014

Watch What Happens

Effect of Rhetoric Appeal:

Rhetoric is used in order to obtain some intended effect, whether it makes people think and join a cause or put them at odds against a cause, rhetoric appeal always yield effects. The performance on the Grammy's show last night was no different, this time around it rallied for equality.

Being the technology savvy generation, one doesn't have to wait a week or month to know the effect that Same Love's performance had. Social Media sites provide a medium for immediate response and reaction.
The average individual, celebrities and activists shared their opinions, praise and comments about the spectacle of the 34 marriages they witnessed during the 56th Grammys.

Below are a few responses from tweeps:
But many appreciated and felt validated by Macklemore's statement:

These tweets were sampled from a post by Huffington Post and Today Entertainment and those were a few of the several thousand responses that poured out from twitter.

This shows that the performance captured the attention of the masses, enabling the ability to strengthen the supporters of the cause.


  1. So, while this is really insightful, it's clearly lifted directly from the following link. Please revise this post--as this is clear evidence of plagiarism. I will also check the rest of the blog. Be sure to give credit where credit is due.

  2. I did give credit to it, there is a link in the post hyperlinked in "source"
